# Disclaimers.

Hi :]

Hello Earthling, Sunshine, Moon and Stars. Izzati anakshaini datang.
My full name Nurul Izzati Shazwani Binti Mohd Shaifuddin :)
You can call me for short like, Izzati, Wanie or Nishaz in this blogg.
Stay in Selangor. Sleep In Crocs River. Born In Kuala Lumpur.
Warganegara Malaysia. Saya anak Malaysia :)

In 2011, I'm 13 years old. BitterThirteen. 
I'm candidates of PMR on 2013 and ccandidates of SPM 2015.
Pray for me, alright? Because i've gonna get straight A's. 
I am tough girl, dosen't have tears at all and doesn't have painful. #auta.
My Parent are my angel who always lecture me for good things.

While, My Siblings are my Life. Who always make me happy and sad.
And my Friends Are my true Love, I love They.
And You, You are my supporter in BLog.
Thanks Buddy, Have your chill in my blog. Love Yaaaa.

^^ Sorry for The broken English.

TY. Come Again. Lots Of Love. Nishaz Wanie ^^